
Archive for September, 2008

I’m still here!

Sadly, I have no goodies to offer, other than the assurances that I am A-OK, despite a prolonged silence from the Outpost.

I just wanted to stop by and say aloha, and to thank everyone who has been stopping by recently and leaving comments. I apologize for not responding these past two weeks. The Outpost is in complete disarray! We’ve been busy repainting and re-doing our floors.

Amidst the paint prep-work (don’t you just love painter’s tape?), pulling off all of the base boards, taking shelves off of the wall, taking pictures off of the wall, the actual painting, moving all of the furniture out of the house, tearing up carpet, tearing up tack strips, laying a new floor, painting the baseboards, putting the baseboards back in place, re-hanging all of the shelving, moving the furniture back into the house, etc., we’re exhausted! And that’s only the beginning! Now I have all kinds of new projects to do … a new house scheme means new ways of decorating: now there are new curtains to be made, furniture to be painted, pillows to be redone, etc …

It’s a lot of work, but I must admit: I love it. The downside, however, has been that we were without internet for a few days as our wireless router was packed up haphazardly in one of our boxes, and my kitchen has been totally out of commission during this whole process! I promise, however, that we are slowly getting everything back in order and that there will be a new recipe up soon.

In the meantime, I hope that everyone is enjoying a wonderful week!

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